I have a migraine and therefore and not up to being clever or witty or what have you so here is some information about an animal I find fascinating, the echidna. The Echidna (also known as the spiny anteater) is one of two monotremes (egg-laying mammals) in the world (the other being the platypus). They live in Australia and New Guinea. Echidna’s sizes range from 14 to 21 inches from snout tip to tail end, with 2.75 to 3 inches in snout length.
Echidnas eat termites, ants, and other bugs using their snouts and their very long (sticky) tongues. They have no teeth, so they have to crush their food between the bottoms of their tongues and the bottoms of their mouths. They live in hollow logs, holes, burrows, under bushes, and amongst the rocks.
If you would like to know more I suggest Google-ing “echidna” or if you are too lazy to do that but not too lazy to click on a link here, checking out Echidna Central.
Ah, yes, a delightful and very shy creature, the Echidna.
Much like me.
Do you curl up in a ball and get all prickly when someone scares you Wombat dearest? If you do... this may be the answer as to why you have yet to meet the right lady. ~winky thingy~
How did you know, Stick?
You're right, I need not to do that.
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