Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tuesday Trivia: The Echidna

I have a migraine and therefore and not up to being clever or witty or what have you so here is some information about an animal I find fascinating, the echidna.

The Echidna (also known as the spiny anteater) is one of two monotremes (egg-laying mammals) in the world (the other being the platypus). They live in Australia and New Guinea. Echidna’s sizes range from 14 to 21 inches from snout tip to tail end, with 2.75 to 3 inches in snout length.

Echidnas eat termites, ants, and other bugs using their snouts and their very long (sticky) tongues. They have no teeth, so they have to crush their food between the bottoms of their tongues and the bottoms of their mouths. They live in hollow logs, holes, burrows, under bushes, and amongst the rocks.

If you would like to know more I suggest Google-ing “echidna” or if you are too lazy to do that but not too lazy to click on a link here, checking out Echidna Central.


Unknown said...

Ah, yes, a delightful and very shy creature, the Echidna.

Much like me.


Chopsticks said...

Do you curl up in a ball and get all prickly when someone scares you Wombat dearest? If you do... this may be the answer as to why you have yet to meet the right lady. ~winky thingy~

Wombat said...


How did you know, Stick?

You're right, I need not to do that.


The Cast

These are the people who will be making re-occurring appearances in my blog. The cast may grow, shrink, or simply change with time. This is meant merely as a quick reference sheet to some of the players both for me, and for you.


Mom Sarcastic, witty, caring, sometimes we drive each other crazy. I wouldn't trade her for anything (yes mom, I know you read this - I would write it regardless).
Dad Caring, artistic, musical, annoys me by pretending to know things he doesn't or by not knowing the things I want him to know. I wouldn't trade him for anything either (he doesn't read this…as far as I know).
LB = Little Brother Smart but lazy, my 18 year old brother spends most of his time in his room. He just started university (it was either that or get a job).


FF = Forum Friend Although we have only met twice in real life, I love this girl. She is sarcastic, smart, fun, caring, and very picky about her coffee. She’s had a bit more life experience than I, so she’s a good one to talk to when I need advice.
SLN = Same Last Name A girl I knew in high school, then met again at university, then met again back in Hometown who has the same last name as I do. She is talkative, superficial, and occasionally artistic. She is a rather bad friend, but if you need someone to drink with you can call her (just don’t expect her to show up when or where you planned on).
PIPF = Pseudo-Intellectual Pseudo-Feminist A girl I knew in high school and re-met in Hometown. She is exactly like the pseudonym – a pseudo-intellectual pseudo-feminist. She takes great joy in being a bitch and in trying to be “unique” (although she sees it as being unique rather than as trying).
HSM = High School Mom A girl (younger than me) who I knew in high school. I re-met her back in Hometown. She has a kid and an ex-husband. Not too smart, but sweet, she likes to party and recently turned 21.


XFL = Ex-First-Love The boy I spent ages (late) 15 - (early) 21 with. We lived together and loved each other for more than 5 years. I still miss him, but as a best friend rather than a lover at this point. He is incredibly smart.
XFLXRM = Ex-First-Love’s Ex-Roommate My ex’s old roommate/best friend. He is a sadistic narcissistic asshole, and he knows it. He is also incredibly smart. We still chat from time to time.
XFLHTF = Ex-First-Love’s Home-Town Friend My ex’s other (earlier) roommate’s ex-boyfriend, lives in Hometown. I first met him when the ex and I first started dating, and recently re-met him. He is full of energy, and quite smart. There is nothing at all romantic between us and that feeling is mutual (for once) which is nice.
JFPB = Just Friends Poetry Boy I met this boy in poetry class in university. I have known him for about 3 years. He has the potential to be smart, but he is too much of a stoner to ever utilize it. He is also creepily obsessed with me.
JFSB = Just Friends Short Boy This boy went to the same high school that I went to… at a different time. He is nearly a foot shorter than I am. He knew my little brother before he knew me. He is sweet and loyal, and we will never be anything more than friends although I suspect that is what he hopes for.
XMJF = Ex-Military Just Friends Boy A nice guy to have coffee with. He is smart and we hold diametrically opposed views on just about everything so he is a good person to debate things with. He would like a more-than-friends status but knows it will not happen and accepts that.
XMNTBB = Ex-Military Not-too-bright Boy Not too nice, not too smart. He showers attention on girls unless they pay attention to him. Has dated many girls in Hometown, we are all known as “alcoholic slutty crazy bitches” to him now.
NTBRBB = Not-too-bright Re-bound Boy Sweet (until I broke up with him), not very smart, and very in to material possessions.
RBNB = Rich Bad News Boy I met him through his writing on his blog. He is a narcissistic asshole. He is also friends with SBNB and NTBRBB.
SBNB = Smart Bad News Boy I met him through his blog and through RBNB. We kind of had a thing – for a little bit. He is very smart and quite sexy. He also plays a ton of games and turns most situations around so that he is the “victim” which is his favorite and often-played role.